how to remove muffin top

Tips and Exercises to Get Rid of Muffin Top

The fat layers around the waist are also known as love handles. Bad eating habits, alcohol intake, and fast food at inappropriate times are some of the causes that cause the concentration of fat. Hormonal changes change women’s bodies, starting from puberty, pregnancy, and childbirth, resulting in love handles. But the question is, how to remove muffin top?

The Love Handles and Muffin Top

There is no love underneath it, so do not be fooled by the name love handles. Love handles is another term for the concentrations of fat around the hips and waist-line. When you wear body-hugging clothe, it shows more prominently. But clothes shouldn’t be blamed. Let’s learn more about the love handles exercises and how to handle them effectively.

A muffin top is a common term used to characterize the body fat of a person, which spreads horizontally over the edges of the waistline of tightly fitting jeans or skirts and can be seen if the top and bottom garments have a gap.

How to Remove Muffin Top? Which triggers it?

Fat retention is a root problem of muffin top, which adds more factors. If the food you eat is too high in calories, or if the calories that you build up to don’t burn up. If you do not come to a solution early, the fat around the waist and the hips begin to become visible like a tire. Various other love handles considerations include:

  • Hormonal change
  • Typical fat deposit when you get older.
  • When you’re not physically active.
  • Foods with high levels of fats, calories, and sugars.
  • Sleep deprivation.

The fearful fat padding around the middle can develop in women of any age, size, or fitness level. Some women are more vulnerable due to changes in the levels of estrogens, especially in perimenopause and menopause.

Excess belly fat can harm your health by increasing your body’s inflammation. This inflammation may lead to conditions like diabetes, cardiac problems, and certain cancers or exacerbate them.

Most Effective Exercises to Get Rid of Muffin Top:

Here is the list of fifteen easy and best lower back love handles workout to lose love handles at home.

  1. Woodchoppers:

Woodchopper is an essential exercise that works well for your abs and obliques. This also improves the heart by developing good posture, which allows love handles to be reduced.

How to Execute:

  1. Stand up straight and keep the feet pointed slightly apart with shoulder-width.
  2. Take into your hand a stretching tool.
  3. Holding your back straight, pull a twisting motion on the stretching tool.
  4. Extend your arms diagonally over your left shoulder and across your body.
  5. Try to keep your arms straight throughout the whole process.
  6. To control this movement, use your core muscles.
  7. Go back to the starting position and reverse the twist, as if you were chopping wood.
  8. Perform three sets with 10 to 15 repeats on each side.

2. Russian Twists:

The Russian twist is a great workout to use for your love handles to burn fat. It works with all your abdominal muscles, making it the ideal place to strengthen your heart.

How to Execute:

  1. Sit straight down on the floor with legs spread out.
  2. Place your hand together and lean back slowly, until the shape of your legs and torso is V.
  3. This process is stimulating your abs.
  4. Ensure that your feet are not touching the floor.
  5. Turn your hands and torso sideways. It helps to stabilize your glutes without getting your legs going.
  6. Repeat 10 to 12 times, together with three sets.

3. Hanging Leg Raises:

It’s an easy workout that helps you get rid of your muffin top. This exercise regularly has an astonishing effect within 2 to 3 weeks.

How to Execute:

  1. Assemble a bar or rod from which you can hang and do the exercise.
  2. Jump and hold onto a bar that will flex your hips throughout the process.
  3. Push your legs up until your torso is perpendicular to them.
  4. Lower the legs to the hanging position, slowly.
  5. Repeat the same process for three sets, 10 to 12 times.

4. Kettlebell Swing:

The kettlebell swing is another lower back love handles workout, which helps you get rid of your muffin top.

This workout, as the name suggests, uses a swinging motion that raises a kettlebell. It is a very good power generator.

How to Execute:

Stand upright with your feet slightly broad.

  1. Keep your hands on your kettlebell with your palms facing down.
  2. Allow your arms to hang loosely across your body.
  3. Bend your knees slowly, forming a partial squat which pushes back your hips.
  4. Start pushing up your glutes.
  5. Thrust your hips forward, and bring the kettlebell to the ceiling.
  6. Seek to meet your eye level, at least.
  7. For three sets, you can repeat 15 to 20 times to get the best results.

5. Crab Kick:

Crab kick is an activity with the aid of hamstrings and quads, which has an impact on the lower body. The higher your hips raise, the harder your core will function.a

How to Execute:

  1. Sit down on the mat, bend your knees and hold your feet together.
  2. Place your hands to the back with your fingers facing backward.
  3. Push your hips up slowly, and kick up your right leg.
  4. Turn legs over and repeat the procedure.
  5. Alternate between legs until a set is done.

6. Bicycle Crunch:

Bicycle crunches are an activity that helps you reduce waistline and noticeably minimize the love handles with regular practice in 3-4 weeks.

How to Execute:

  1. Lie flat on your back and slowly pull your leg inwards with knees folded and place your hands over your head.
  2. Raise your right leg and use the left elbow to reach your knees and simultaneously raise your upper body.
  3. Restrain easily to rest position and repeat with the other leg.
  4. Do this exercise on both sides, for to 25-30 times.
  5. Seek not to loop your fingers behind your head because it will make your neck jerk.

7. Plank Crunch Sideways:

The exercise’s level of difficulty is higher than others. But with enough practice, getting rid of the love handles is an excellent workout.

How to Execute:

  1. Lie sideways on the ground.
  2. Raise your upper body, balance it over your left palm, and thighs over each other.
  3. Raise your hips slowly, with your head, hips, and legs forming a straight line.
  4. Place your right hand above your head and fold your elbow.
  5. Raise your right leg and rotate your right elbow to meet them.
  6. Keep on for 2 to 3 seconds and return to the position on the plank.
  7. Carry out ten sets on both sides 20 times.
  8. The results can be seen within 4 to 5 weeks.

8. One Hand Toe Touch:

It’s a lower back love handles workout that helps get rid of your muffin top quickly. One-hand toe touch is an exercise that enables you to reduce excess fat from the lower abdomen and waist. It is the best exercise on the love handles.

How to Execute:

  1. Sit on the ground spreading both legs straight in front of you.
  2. Spread the shoulder-width space between your thighs.
  3. Slowly raise your right leg in such a way that your left inner thigh will touch the sole of your leg.
  4. Then slowly bend to touch your left toe with your left hand.
  5. Bend until left toe can be touched.
  6. Carry for 5 seconds in that position then repeat.
  7. A minimum of twice is required for successful results stretching on both sides for ten times.

9. Triangle Pose:

Triangle workout that twists and turns the abdomen ‘s muscles and allows love handles to be reduced. It also works pretty well in stretching your overall body and maintaining it.

How to Execute:

  1. Stand up with a gap between your legs, shoulder-wide.
  2. At your sides, stretch your arms parallel to your shoulders.
  3. Bend your body slowly and inhale, and touch your left toe with your right hand. Hold your neck to your back.
  4. Return to normal position slowly, and repeat it on the other side.
  5. This stretch must be performed at least ten times on each hand, and three sets are necessary.

10. Stretching Sideways:

Side stretching aims specifically for muffin tops. It also provides excellent relief if you suffer from back or shoulder pain. Begin pulling sideways to get rid of your muffin top. 

How to Execute:

  1. Stand upright between the legs with a shoulder-width gap.
  2. Raise your right hand slowly and touch your left shoulder from behind with it.
  3. With your left hand, hold your right elbow firmly and bend towards the left.
  4. Stretch as far as the body can, adding pressure to the elbow.
  5. Carry in that position for a couple of seconds, and return to the place of rest.
  6. On the other side, repeat the same operation.
  7. Stretching tones make the waist look slimmer.

11. Knee Drop:

Technically it would be best if you had a knee drop exercise ball to perform this activity. But you can also make a simple ball in your home, with a thick towel.

How to Execute:

  1. Lie back on the front mat with knees folded and soles flat facing the wall.
  2. Keep in between your knees, the exercise ball, or the ball made with a towel.
  3. Now extend your arms parallel to the shoulder.
  4. Try bending your knees sideways to hit the floor while holding the ball in place.
  5. On the other side, repeat the same.
  6. Repeat these stretches on both sides at least twenty-five times, and in a few weeks, you’ll lose those love handles.

12. Donkey Kicks Sidelines:

Donkey kicks are an outstanding lower body exercise. Train the abdominal muscles with that stretch, lower back, pelvic floor, and shoulders. Include these in your workout regimen if you want to improve your body and lose those unwanted love handles.

How to Execute:

  1. Get down on all fours, with your knees and elbows touching the floor and facing the wall.
  2. Raise the right leg slowly, then kick sideways.
  3. Do so in such a way as to parallel the left thigh to the ground.
  4. Bring the back of the leg to the resting position.
  5. Repeat the stretch ten times before leg transition.
  6. Perform at least ten kicks per leg, along with three sets.
  7. Gradually heighten the stretches.

13. Side Squats:

Side squats are another easy way to lose love handles because it targets the lower body. This routine is unusual in that it involves lateral movements that energize the muscles. These squats reduce fat from your waist as squats do a workout for your core abdominal and oblique muscles.

How to Execute:

  1. Stand far apart with your legs straight and your hands in front.
  2. Holding your entire weight on the left leg, bends it to the knee.
  3. Sit down with knees crossed on your left foot and holding your right leg extended.
  4. Go in the initial position gradually, then repeat the same on the other hand.
  5. Every side has to do 20 squats.
  6. Hold your upper body straight through the entire operation.

14. Side Kicks:

Side Kicks is an activity that causes love handles to be reduced. It is also an excellent cardio workout for any other fitness routine that acts as a warm-up.

How to Execute:

  1. Stand upright wide apart with feet and keep your toes pointing towards the wall.
  2. Hold your upper body straight, and raise your right leg to the side as far as possible.
  3. Bring your leg to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
  4. Repeat so on every hand twenty five times.

15. Side Plank – Hip Lifts:

It’s the easiest way to get rid of your muffin top. Perform 30 Side Plank Hip Lifts on each side, with 15.

How to Execute:

  1. Get your elbows, legs, and hips resting on your ground in a side plank position.
  2. Keep your body straight and indulge in the abs.
  3. Elevate your lower body up from the floor to a straight plank position.
  4. Lower down and repeat.
  5. Stretch 15 to the right side, and 15 to the left.

Tips to Remove Muffin Top

You need to follow a diet along with several exercises and bring some changes to your lifestyle so that you can get rid of your muffin top.

  • Cut down on unnecessary calories and added sugar.
  • Apply fiber, protein, and balanced carbs and fats to your daily diet.
  • We understand how difficult life can be. Stressing, however, can cause the accumulation of fat.
  • For a healthy adult, you have to have the required amount of sleep.
  • To keep yourself hydrated, drink plenty of water.

The reasons for accumulating fat in the waistline resulting in love handles are numerous. It’s not suitable for your appearance, nor is it beneficial for health. Choose an exercise that best suits you, and start working out to get a slimmer waist.

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