Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Yoga may be primarily known as a discipline that helps improve mental and physical strength, but it is also a great way to shed a few pounds and get in shape. For all those who do not like spending hours in gyms, running on a treadmill, or doing high-intensity workouts, here are a few yoga postures that can help lose weight. Do them regularly to drop the number on the scale:

  1. The Chair Pose

This yoga pose is similar to squat – you just hold your body in a squat position for a while. It activates your quads, hamstrings, and calves and gets those muscles and calories burning.

To get the most out of it, try to sit as low as possible and stretch your arms straight up in the air without putting too much pressure on your shoulders; it’s a lot harder than it seems.

  1. Plank

This is another yoga pose that may seem easier but is quite difficult to do correctly and maintain for more than a few seconds. However, if you can manage to do a plank pose, it will engage your shoulders, arms, abs, and core.

Remember, the key to the right plank posture is that your body should be in a straight line. 

Once you get the hang of the basic plank pose, you can increase its intensity (and the benefits) by incorporating side planks into your practice. Again, the key is to hold your body straight, sidewise, with your feet stacked on top of one another, your hips tucked in and pushed forward, and your other arm stretching up into the air.

  1. Warrior Poses

There are three warrior poses. You can start from the first one, gradually incorporating all three into your yoga practice. Alternatively, you can start with all of them together – it entirely depends on your choice and the strength of your body.

Warrior I and II poses are great for activating, challenging, and toning thigh muscles. The warrior III poses, however, will engage all your leg, core, and back muscles. Contract your belly muscles while holding this position to burn the fat and tone muscles around your stomach area.

Warrior poses also help move shoulder muscles and burn the fat layers building up around your shoulder blades and upper arms.

  1. Triangle Pose

This is a great yoga pose for burning the fat layers around your belly and waist. But, it also helps improve digestion and blood circulation in the body. Lateral triangle pose can also help in building thighs and hamstrings muscles.

This pose may not put as much pressure on your muscles as other yoga poses. However, it is great for your waist and tummy. Do it regularly to get those killer abs you’ve always dreamed of.

The Final Word

There are many yoga poses that can help burn fat and tone muscles, eventually leading to weight loss, and getting your body in shape. But, the ones discussed above are great to get started. They aren’t as complex as many other yoga poses but still offer great benefits.

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