Losing Weight While Breastfeeding

Losing Weight While Breastfeeding: It’s Facts, Advantages, and Risks

A part of growing up, you build your own family, you make a child, you become a mother– and of course, you get pregnant. One of the useful, healthy, and natural method a mother can do for her​ baby is to breastfeed them. Numerous researches and studies state that the milk being produced from the breast is a unique nutritional source that no other food can adequately (or similarly) replaced. Thus, if you are looking for the best source of nutrition for babies, breast milk is the best answer. 

One reason why breast milk is a good nutritional source is that it contains numerous components that greatly help protect infants against infection and disease, considering that newborn babies are sensitive and prone to different viruses and sickness. It combines proteins, vitamins, fats, and carbohydrates. In fact, researchers and scientists affirmed that the only living cells Leukocytes are only found in breast milk.

Advantages of Breastfeeding 

  • It provides nutrition that babies ideally need. The milk contains substances including immune-strengthening antibodies.
  • Shields babies against potential risks and diseases. Breastfeeding helps prevent the occurrence of colds, leukemia, diabetes, ear infection, and other types of allergies.
  • Promotes positive development. Numerous reports from experts and scientists state that breastfeeding is linked to higher intelligence scores, intelligence quotient, and maybe particularly beneficial for brain development of babies.
  • Ensures the baby’s excellent health condition. Breastfeeding helps babies self- regulate their milk consumption, balance the ideal nutritional value, prevent childhood obesity, and promotes healthy and balanced weight gain.

Breastfeeding does not only benefit babies but it also does the same for mothers out there. This includes:

  • Decreases the risk of depression
  • Decreases the risk of disease
  • It saves you from spending too much money on milk this requires lesser time and effort.

How Breastfeeding Promotes Weight Loss?

losing weight while breastfeeding
losing weight while breastfeeding

Aside from providing nourishment and protecting your baby from potential risks, breastfeeding can also help you lose the weight you gained during the entire period of your pregnancy.

When you breastfeed, fat cells from your body during pregnancy together with your body are used for the production of breast milk which will allow you to provide milk to your baby. 

Immediately after your baby is born, you tend to lose for about 10 to 12 pounds. The weight you lost came from the combination of the weight of your newborn baby plus the placenta and the amniotic fluid. Research also says that after a few days, you will lose about 5 to 7 more pounds of water weight which is just normal.

If you want to lose weight after pregnancy, breastfeeding can help. If you choose to provide your baby breast milk, it may help you reduce your weight and return to your original body more rapidly compared to those who do not provide breastfeeds. Also, the hormones being released when you give breastfeed is believed to cause muscle contractions in the uterus. With this note, your uterus is being exercised by contracting and shrinking down each time you give breastfeed to your baby. It will then be easier for the uterus to go back in its size before you become pregnant. 

Though losing weight is a postpartum goal, some fail to do so. There are several reasons why perhaps you eat frequently or your body does not reduce the fats gained during pregnancy. What should you do? Read further.

Healthy Ways On Losing Weight While Breastfeeding

After you give birth, it is just normal to long for your old body to get yourself back in shape. The good news is that you can lose weight while giving breastfeed; certainly hitting two birds using one stone. However, you need to keep in mind that doing both losing weight and breastfeeding at the same time is a crucial balancing act so the following tips below are some of the healthy ways to lose weight while giving breastfeed without encountering potential problems.

1. Do not starve yourself

Avoid eating less amount of food just because you want to lose weight. You may cut off some portions of your meal, but do not eat too little. A minimum of 1800 calories would be good. Thus, it will allow you to intake sufficient nutrients that will balance the production of breast milk. This is to make sure that you receive all the nutrition your body needs and not just the baby.

2. Focus on protein and fiber

Instead of eating less or limiting the food you eat, it is advisable to just focus on eating foods that are rich in protein and fiber. The nutrients that these one possess would help you get full for a longer period of time which will eventually reduce your hunger.

3. Ensure adequate consumption of water

Aside from the fact that our body needs and the ideal of eight glasses of water a day, drinking enough liquid for the production of breast milk. Water also helps you get full for a long period of time, thus maintain and increase your energy.

4. Exercise

One misconception of the majority of mothers is that exercise would have a negative impact on the production of breast milk. However, research says otherwise. A combination of a healthy diet plan and exercise (with moderate intensity) helps preserve the muscle mass of the breastfeeding mother.

5. Keep an eye on nutritious food

Research shows that you are most likely to eat foods that are accessible in your kitchen. So try to stock up some nutritious foods and keep an eye on fruits, vegetables, and those who are high in protein and fiber.

6. Rest once in a while

Restlessness or sleep deprivation is believed to increase the possibility of hunger. If you did not have a good night’s sleep, try to offset it by taking at least 30 minutes of nap during the day, when your baby is asleep.

Implications of Losing Too Much Weight

When you lose weight while breastfeeding, you will begin to feel better. You might have less risk of going to postpartum depression, and will hopefully accept the changes your body went through during and after pregnancy easily. However, loosing too much weight while breastfeeding is not good for you and your baby. Your body’s recovery may be delayed because of the instant changes happening in your body. 

Losing weight too quickly just after giving birth is not advisable because the fats that are being dissolved may release harmful toxins that may contaminate breast milk. The ideal and healthy way of losing weight after giving birth is at least 1 pound per week or less than 5 pounds per month. 

How To Avoid Excessive Loosing of Weight 

Some mothers tend to be eager of losing weight, which cuts off an excessive amount of weight gained during pregnancy. But keep in mind that losing too much weight is not good for you and your baby. Excessive weight loss can be brought by something within your control, or some medical issues that are inevitable. Here then are the reasons behind excessive weight loss and what you can do about them.

Lack of calorie intake

As mentioned earlier, an amount of 1800 calories should be met in a day. Eating less of it would not provide you the energy you needed for a healthy body as well as for supplication of breast milk. Keep track of your day-to-day calorie intake. YOu may also opt to eat food choices that have a balanced variety of nutrients and minerals such as those with calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, and Vitamin B6.

The intense desire of losing weight

It is normal, but you could be draining yourself by overdoing it. If you are losing too much weight, observe and think about how much you are into it. It is essential to take the time to eat right, just enough exercise, and food consumption.

Overactivity of the thyroid gland

There is a health condition that causes excessive weight loss, shakiness, restlessness, and overproduction of breast milk which is called postpartum hyperthyroidism. If you think that you have this, contact your doctor for medical advices. If you are worried about excessive weight loss, do not hesitate to call your doctor to let you know what else can you do.

Facts About Losing Weight While Breastfeeding

  1. There are high chances to lose weight while breastfeeding because it uses up stored fat in your body considering that breastfeeding consumes calories. It will then help you, get back to your original shape faster.
  1. Research shows that through breastfeeding, mothers tend to lose an average of 500 additional calories per day. It is equivalent to performing 45 to 60 minutes of physical exercise longing to low until medium intensity.
  1. Weight loss while breastfeeding tends to have a long-term positive effect on your weight. In a survey, mothers who breastfeed their babies for 6 up to 12 months had lower overall body fat percentages 5 years after compared to those who preferred not to breastfeed. These mothers are also believed to be 2.6 kg (5.7 pounds) lighter than those who do not give breastfeed (or those who do for fewer than 12 weeks).

Final Thoughts

Not all breastfeeding mothers lose weight easily. Nevertheless, remember that you are still beautiful even with your postpartum body. But if you are really dedicated to doing such, make sure to do the right ways and procedures not just for you, but also for the sake of your baby’s health.

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