slim arm workout

Tips and Workout Routines to Get Slim Arms

Admit that for years you have dreamed that you have sculpted arms. But it can be a challenging job to get toned arms. However, anything will help if you have top advice on improving your arms like a field from qualified trainers, like a slim arm workout.

We can not choose a specific area on our body to undergo “spot reduction” as much as we want it to be effective and accurate. A study showed that exercises and machines claiming to get rid of muffin top or getting your thighs toned down are falsifications.

By working out a single area, you can not burn fat from a specific part of your body. However, that doesn’t mean that the workouts can’t slim your arms and the rest of your body.

According to some fitness experts, combining cardio, strength training, and a healthy diet is a great way to reduce body fat. These slim arm workouts are designed to help you increase your heart rate, strengthen your arms and muscles, and reduce body fat.

1. Pick the right exercises

If you want to tone your muscles, your first instinct will be to take out 100 biceps of curls and weight. But isolated movements are not your fastest route to arms being sculpted. 

What is the best slim arm workout for women?

We got them all. With these seven strengthening exercises, you can sculpt strong and toned arms quickly.

  1. Arm Slide

Arm slides are great to activate your arms, particularly your triceps, and they work your whole core as well. Core exercises such as arm slides can improve your overall balance, stability, and body alignment, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Required equipment: Paper plates, sliders, or two small towels

  1. Kneel down on both sliders with your hands. To make this more comfortable, place a mat under your knees, especially if you have sensitive knees or are on a hard floor.
  2. Engage your core by tightening your abs and pulling your belly button toward your spine.
  3. Slowly slide your arms in front of you to get your chest near the ground, keeping your spine straight and your core engaged.
  4. Return your arms to your knees and return to the starting position without bending your elbows. Be careful not to arch the back while pulling your arms in. Make sure you ‘re focused on keeping the core engaged and the back straight throughout the movement.


  • You can make things easier by individually sliding each arm.
  • You can also get all the advantages without having to lower your chest to the ground. Just go as low as you can, and stop beforehand:
    • With a straight spine, you can no longer pull your hands back in
    • until your chest touches the ground.
    • Slide your arms from a plank to make it more challenging and hold your knees off the ground during the exercise.
  1. Ball slams

Without the pounding, this plyometric movement gives you all the benefits. Ball slams are a full-body activity that will tire your arms and add to your workout a bit of cardio.

Required equipment: Slam ball or medicine ball  

  1. Stand apart and hold the ball at your chest with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lift the ball up behind your head, slightly.
  3. Bend your knees, and throw the ball as hard as you can on the ground.
  4. Catch the ball as it bounces back up and bring it back over your head or scoop it up if it doesn’t bounce. Keep your spine straight all the time, and use your knees to lift you up.
  5. Get your next repetition started.


  • Test your ball before you proceed, to make sure it doesn’t bounce too aggressively. The ball is expected to be fairly dense but not so heavy that you can not execute the whole movement with your back straight. 
  • This should be done dynamically. You are using the slight bounce of the ball once you are finished with a rep to move you into the next set. Do your best to keep pushing through those repetitions in order to keep up your heart rate and fluid movements.
  • Start on as many reps as possible for three to five sets in 20 to 30 seconds. Make sure to take proper rest between sets.
  • Stop when tired, and can not carry the ball securely over your head or keep your spine straight in the movement.

After a plyometric workout, the National Strength and Conditioning Association suggests taking 48 hours to recover, so be sure to give your arms a break from heavy or high-impact plyometrics until you have recovered.

  1. Dumbbell bench press

You don’t need to lift heavy weights to get the benefits of a bench press.

Performing a dumbbell bench press stretches your muscles and helps lower muscle disparities or weakness between your dominant and non-dominant arms. While the dumbbell bench press is best known for working your chest, it will also strengthen your deltoids, triceps, and lats.

Required equipment: Two dumbbells and a bench

  1. Lie flat on the bench with your back and feet firmly on the floor. If your feet do not hit the ground solidly, place plates or a bench under them to give you a comfortable position or put your feet on the bench.
  2. Maintain your spine in a neutral position by engaging your core (your lower back should be slightly curved).
  3. Pull your shoulder blades off your ears, and put them together slightly. The bench should have firm contact with your shoulders, hips, and head.
  4. Keep your arms tight as you raise the dumbbells against your sides. Your hand palm should be facing forward throughout the movement, or at an angle of 45 degrees.
  5. With your elbows at your sides, slowly lower the dumbbells back to your chest. Keep your elbows in close to work your triceps throughout the whole movement.


  • You can do these on the floor or on a step bench if you don’t have a bench available.
  1. Dumbbell shoulder press

The Dumbbell shoulder press works out of the shoulders, deltoids, and anterior muscles. It can be done standing or sitting on a normal bench, a military press bench, or a public service bench with a backrest. 

Required equipment: Dumbbell

Starting spot: Stand on the ground and grab a dumbbell with each hand.


  1. Raise shoulder height on the dumbbells. Breathe in.
  2. Rotate your handles to ensure that your palms face forward.
  3. Breathe out and push the dumbbells upwards.
  4. Take a small pause and, while inhaling, slowly put the dumbbells back down to shoulder height.
  5. Repeat about 30 times.

5. TRX or supine barbell rows

You will not only be working your arms with this arm muscles workout, but you will also be strengthening your upper back muscles to help improve posture.

Required equipment: TRX straps, low rings in gymnastics, or an empty barbell and a rack.

  1. Take the handles and move back slowly to get tension on the straps.
  2. Walk your feet toward the straps with your chest facing the anchor point until you are at a 45 degree angle. Hold the straps so that they meet your palms forward. 
  3. Start engaging your core and keep your body in a straight line as you start lowering your chest to the handles. Keep down your shoulder blades, away from your ears, and pull together slightly.
  4. Once your hands and chest contact, gently lower back down with your whole body in a straight line to starting position.


  • Play with your grip around. Palms facing your feet are going to work out your triceps. Palms that face your head are targeting your biceps.
  • To make the rows smoother, bring your feet parallel to the anchor point, and stand more upright. You should be upright enough to keep your hips and back straight throughout the whole motion without bending or arching your spine.
  • Walk your feet farther from your hands if you like more of a challenge.
  • You can use an empty barbell on a rack if you don’t have TRX straps or rings in it. Be sure to place your head under the rack so that instead of the front of the hooks, you bring the bar back into it. You can change bar height to make it easier (up) or harder (down).

6. Tricep dips

One of several best and quickest ways to achieve gorgeous arms is to reinforce your triceps. You may use a desk, a comfortable chair, your sofa or half a wall to conduct this exercise.

Required equipment: Chair

Starting spot: Place your hands apart shoulder-width on a bench or chair and stretch out your legs before you.

  1. Slide your butt off the bench. Keep your elbows bent slightly to retain the pressure in your triceps.
  2. Drop the body slowly into the ground with the support of the elbows, until they are at an angle of about 90 degrees. Keep your back tight to your chair.
  3. Hold this position for a second once you lower your body, and then press down into your chair to straighten your elbows.
  4. Repeat about 15 times.

7. Battle ropes

Burn fat, improve your cardiovascular capacity, and strengthen your arms with these ropes at once. Not only do these killer arm workouts increase your heart rate and get you sweating, but they’ll also boost your core and shoulder strength.

Required equipment: Battle ropes

  1. Stand apart, knees slightly bent and back straight, with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Grab the ropes together and raise your hands to create a wave.
  3. Try to speed up your hand motions to build smaller waves or slow it down to create big waves and push your hands a greater distance.
  4. Seek to keep the ropes going for 30 seconds, three times, with each set to rest in between.


  • Play with short waves, long waves, simultaneously move your arms, alternate one up and down, and move your arms both up and down.
  • Like the ball slam above, you can slam the ropes into the ground too.

These slim arm workouts will help strengthen your arms and tone them up. They ‘re not going to help you melt the fat off your arms, but they can help you lose weight throughout your entire body and reveal the muscles you have worked so hard to build. 

2. Do not be afraid of heavyweights

The days of picking tiny weights are gone, so you’re afraid of bulking up. That just won’t ever happen unless you’re really working hard to do so, as women simply don’t have enough testosterone. Holly Rilinger, the Nike master trainer and creator of the LIFTED method, says, “If you want definition, you need to train with a weight that actually stimulates your muscles and produces a training effect.”

3. Mix up your muscle groups

If you are training the same muscle groups back-to-back, it can increase your stamina, but your intensity can be adversely affected by the combo. So it is probably not possible that you take your second exercise to its fullest because the first one tires your muscles, says Saint Gerard. “Your best bet would be to alternate between different muscle groups to ensure each one gets adequate rest before attempting the next set,” she said. “That way, you’re always able to give your max effort and get the most out of the exercise.”

4. Pay attention to the overall form

A celebrity fitness expert and creator of FitFusion, Jillian Michaels says, “I know it seems obvious, but I can’t tell you how often I see people tossing weight around improperly in ways that compromise results and risk injury.” 

A frequent offender: Arching your back while doing bicep curls. Michaels says you, your weight is too heavy, if necessary. Once you’ve got the right resistance, “tuck your tailbone, pull your belly button in, and engage your core,” she says. “And don’t bring your elbows in front of your rib cage—that engages your anterior delts, not your biceps.” Noted.

5. Perk up your posture

Look in the mirror to get a quick assessment. Were your shoulders hunched or arched over your shoulders? Williams says she sometimes sees the scapula as lacking sensitivity or control — a.k.a. Shoulders movements. “In planks, push-ups, and lat pulldowns, people often hunch over, instead of having a neutral spine,” she says.

To counteract this, make sure your chest and shoulders are open and don’t worry about shrugging down your shoulders and rolling them back every few exhales to make sure your form is timely.

6. Work different angles of your arms

In some tried and true exercises, try to change your hand position. For example, try a hammer curl instead of a biceps curl, a.k.a. Palms facing each other, which will make a different area of your arm, and help you avoid imbalances, Saint Gerard explains. Plus, “muscle balance is ideal for maximum strength and functionality, which in turn will enhance the overall ‘look’ when the goal is to see changes in your upper body.”

7. Dial-in your diet

If you have been doing slim arm workout for women, but you do not see visual improvements in your arms, you may need to assess what’s going on in the kitchen. “Your composition of body fat must be low enough. You can see the muscles in your arms,” Rilinger says. “If you build muscle but eat poorly, you are going to get even stronger, but not more defined.”

To put it another way, keep an eye on your food. Protein is the building block of muscle development, and it helps rebuild the muscle fibers torn during a workout, Rilinger said. Include it in each meal, as well as within 30 minutes of your sweat sesh, because that is when you are most appropriate for the absorption of nutrients. Otherwise, focus on vegetables and healthy fats, and try to minimize your intake of processed foods and sugar.

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