stretching to relieve back pain

7 Stretches to Alleviate Back Pain

Lower back pain is a rather common health problem, partly because it can be caused by so many things. In certain cases, it can be a symptom of an underlying disorder, such as fibromyalgia or kidney stones. For other times it’s either a side effect of a sedentary lifestyle or repetitive activity. This article may save you some time for finding a solution for stretching back pain.

An important element of all back exercise programs is regular stretching of the muscles, tendons and ligaments that support the spine. A doctor, physical therapist, or spine specialist would typically recommend stretches to alleviate lower back pain and neck.

The following are the benefits of stretching:

  • Decreasing muscle tension supporting the spine; tension in these muscles can intensify the pain caused by numerous numbers of back pain conditions.
  • Improve movement range and overall mobility and flexibility.
  • Reduce the possibility of back pain injury.

Pain that lasts longer than three months or chronic pain may require daily stretching for weeks or months to effectively relieve pain. Stretching back pain may be used in a physical therapy program, or advised to be performed every day at home.

For rehabilitation of the spine and alleviation of back pain, back exercises are almost always necessary. The most effective usually is a controlled, gradual exercise program tailored to an individual.

A traditional response to back pain means that resting for more than a day or two will potentially hinder recovery and worse pain, either by remaining in the bed or, at least, avoiding some difficult activities. Are they easy?

The benefits of Exercise

Exercises for relieving back pain have many benefits when done in a controlled, progressive manner, including:

  • Strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, and remove pressure from the spinal disks and facet joints
  • Relieves stiffness and increases mobility
  • Boost the distribution of nutrients across the body, including spinal disk
  • Endorphin activation, which can relieve pain naturally. A frequent release of endorphins can help reduce pain reliance. Endorphins can also increase mood, which is a common effect of chronic pain, and alleviate depressive symptoms.
  • Reduces the pain rate in the back or the neck and reduces the severity of the pain

General Tips for Stretches to Alleviate Back Pain

Keeping these tips in mind can help to stretch your muscles effectively without risk of injury:

  • Wear comfortable clothes that will not bind or restrict moves
  • Do not push the body to uncomfortable or painful positions — strengthening should not cause pain
  • Slowly move into a stretch and avoid bouncing, which can cause stress to the muscles
  • Stretch out on a clean, level surface that is wide enough for free movement
  • Hold stretches long enough for 15 to 30 seconds to help extend the muscles appropriately and improve the range of movement
  • Repeat a stretch for 2 to 5 times – a muscle normally reaches full elongation after about 4 repetitions
  • Stretch the body one side at a time

It’s necessary to stretch your lower back gently and with care. Be especially gentle and careful when you are experiencing some form of accident or health concern. It is best to speak first with your healthcare professional.

Stretching back pain can be performed once or twice a day. But if the pain seems to get worse, or you feel sore, then take a day off stretching.

Take your time when you go through these stretches, and pay careful attention to your breathing. Use your breath as a guide to ensure you are not straining or overdoing it. All through each pose or stretch, you should be able to breathe easily and smoothly.

Note: Be mindful of the limitations of your body, and don’t force your body to do too much. Listen to your body in every moment and do what feels best for you.

  1. Child’s Pose

This traditional pose of yoga works for your gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and spinal extensors. It helps to alleviate pain and discomfort all over your back, neck, and shoulders.

Its calming effect on the body also helps loosen tight lower back muscles, encouraging flexibility along the spine and flowing of blood.

Follow these steps to do the Child’s Pose:

  • Sink back through your hips with your hands and knees on the ground to rest them on your heels.
  • Hinge on your hips as you fold forward, and walk your hands out before you.
  • Rest your stomach on your thighs.
  • Extend your arms facing your body or alongside it with your palms facing upwards.
  • Concentrate on deep breathing and relaxing any areas of stress or tightness.
  • Keep up to 1 minute on this position.
  • During your stretching routine, you may do this pose several times. Feel free to do this in between the stretches.


You can place a rolled-up towel on or under your thigh if you feel that you need additional support.

Widen your knees and rest your forehead on a cushion if it is more comfortable.

  1. Knee-to-chest stretch

This stretch will relax your buttocks, thighs, and glutes while facilitating relaxation overall.

Take these steps to do a knee-to-chest stretch:

  • Position on your back with your feet flat on the floor and both knees bent.
  • Hold your left knee bent or spread it directly across the floor.
  • Bring your right knee into your chest and keep your hands at the top of your shinbone or behind your thigh. 
  • Lengthen your spine to the tailbone, and avoid lifting your hips.
  • Breathe deeply, and release some tension.
  • Hold that pose for one to three minutes.
  • Repeat with the opposite side.


For extra padding place a pillow under your head. You can also use wrap a towel around your leg if you have difficulty reaching your arms.

Tuck your chin into your chest and lift your head up to your knee to deepen the stretch.

  1. Piriformis Stretch

This stretch tends to work your piriformis muscle, which is found deep inside your buttocks. Stretching this muscle in your buttocks and lower back soothes pain and tightness.

Follow those steps to do a piriformis stretch:

  • Lie on your back and bend your knees on the ground with your feet down.
  • Position your right ankle at the bottom of your left thigh.
  • Place your hands behind your left thigh, and pull up to your chest until you feel a stretch.
  • Take 1 to 3 minutes of that position.
  • Then you do the opposite side.


Keep your bottom foot on the floor to make the stretch more comfortable. For support, rest your head on a pillow.

  1. Seated spinal twist

This typical twist deals with your hips, glutes, and your back. It improves spinal mobility and stretches the stomach, neck, and shoulders. This stretch pressure stimulates your internal organs too.

Follow these steps to do a seated spinal twist:

  • Sit on the edge of a pillow with two legs spread forward.
  • Place your foot outside of your left thigh, bend your right knee.
  • Bend your left leg and bring your foot next to your right thigh.
  • Raise your arms up with your palms facing each other.
  • Twist to the right side from the base of your spine.
  • Place your right hand for support behind you.
  • Put your left arm around the right leg like you hug it, or take your upper arm outside your thigh.
  • Keep up to 1 minute of this position.
  • On the other side repeat.


Hold your lower leg straight to make this pose more comfortable.

Add in neck rotations during this pose for an extra stretch, by inhaling to look ahead and exhale to shift the eyes backward. Do between 5 and 10 on each hand.

  1. Pelvic tilt

Pelvic tilts develop tension in the abdominal muscles, helping to relieve discomfort and tightness in the lower back. They also have a positive effect on the hamstrings and glutes.

Follow these steps to do a pelvic tilt:

  • Lie on your back, on the floor, with both knees bent and feet down.
  • Start engaging your abdominal muscles when flattening your back against the ground.
  • Keep this position for up to 10 seconds and breathe normally.
  • Release yourself and take some deep breaths to relax.
  • Do one to three sets of three to five repetitions.
  1. Cat-cow stretch

The cat-cow stretch is a great way to wake your spine and stretch your shoulders, neck, and chest as well.

Follow these steps to do the cat-cow stretch:

  • Come up in a tabletop position on all fours with hands and knees on the ground.
  • Press your hands and feet to look up as you inhale, allowing your belly to fill with air.
  • Exhale, tuck your chin in your chest and arch your spine towards the ceiling.
  • Continue the movement pattern, shifting with every breath.
  • Do this within 1 to 2 minutes.


If you have concerns with the wrist, place your hands slightly forward, rather than directly under your shoulders. If you have any knee concerns, put a pillow under your knee for padding and support.

For deeper holds, just stay 5 to 20 seconds at a time in each position, instead of moving with each breath.

  1. Sphinx Stretch

The sphinx stretch is a gentle backbend allowing you both to be active and comfortable. This baby backbend stretches the spine, buttocks, and chest and reinforces it.

Follow these steps to do the sphinx stretch:

  • Lie on your belly with your elbows under your shoulders and hands outstretched in front, palms facing downwards.
  • Place the feet apart, slightly. It’s safe to brush both your big toes.
  • Engage your lower back, buttocks, and thighs carefully as you raise your head and chest.
  • Sit tight in your lower back and abdominals and breathe deeply.
  • Push your pelvis into the floor.
  • Look straight ahead, or close your eyes slightly.
  • Hold that pose for one to three minutes.

The above are representative samples of the commonly prescribed types of stretches. Most stretches can be adjusted to suit the strength and pain level of an individual and can be supported by using a wall, cushion, or chair for added support during the stretch.

For a variety of stuff, you use your lower back, from walking and running to literally getting out of bed in the morning. With daily stretching keep it in good working order to alleviate tension and build strength.

Whatever causes your lower back pain, these stretches to alleviate lower back pain can help reduce the tension and strengthen the lower back muscles.

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